This is my new best friend Gerry! We had been thinking about adopting a dog from the DSPCA in Rathfarnham for a while but always knew we'd have to consider it very carefully before we went ahead with it. As we only work part time we both have a lot of time on our hands, so last week, for want of something to do, we went up to the shelter just to visit and have a look around. I was NOT expecting to fall in love while I was there, seeing as I've been several times in the past and have always thought the animals were lovely but had never felt compelled to take any home with me. On the way out of their kennels, as we were about to leave, I noticed a little white and red staffie in an exercise pen out the back. He was whimpering so I went to say hello. That's when I saw Gerry - he was quietly waiting in the pen next door to the staffie, his lovely deep brown wide eyes peering through the fence. I went up to him and he jumped up to see me, so I put my hand and face as close as I could and he started licking and excitedly snuffling at me. I called my boyfriend over who was promptly doggie-sneezed on by Gerry. He liked him too but a serious chat about whether we could afford the time and money to look after a dog ensued (for the millionth time). We walked back to the exit at reception and I said there was no harm in enquiring about him. So we ended up chatting to a staff member and taking him out for a supervised walk. As he was only 6 months old he was quite strong and boisterous on the lead, but I loved that because I've always wanted a dog that is lively, fun and active. He was friendly and my boyfriend really warmed to him.

Over the next three days I moped around the house and didn't get much sleep, turning over and over in my head the pros and the cons of rehoming this lovely little dog. We had many more discussions and in the end I decided to pay a second visit and fill in an adoption form. I did a lot of research into the lurcher breed, training methods, costs & potential problems during this time. Next step was a DSPCA approved house visit, which we passed, and a trip to pick up necessary supplies like a bed and food, then he was ready for collection!
So here he is, my new brindle Lurcher pup, Gerry! We are hoping that settling in and some basic training won't take too long. He is so adorable and I hope everything works out ok and we will be able to take care of our new baby forever. Of course, you're all wondering how a vegan is going to cope with a mainly carniverous animal... but watch this space because that's a different story!
That's great, I'm so pleased you've got a dog at long long last :)
ReplyDeleteA big WOOF of a welcome to Gerry from Snipe
Jo! I was actually going to contact you a few days ago about dogs, just to ask a few questions, but I ended up doing loads of research on Lurchers online and reading up about training, etc. and just decided to go ahead with it in the end. I was always so fond of your doggies as a child, you influenced me in a big way! ^_^ Hopefully we'll get on great with him, and if I need any advice I may throw a couple questions your way ;) Wet nosed kisses back to Snipe! xxx
ReplyDeleteHe's beautiful. Looks forward to hearing more about him on here!
ReplyDeleteOh, what a beautiful dog :) Congrats to you both.
ReplyDeleteHe is absolutely gorguss!!! i am sure you will have so much fun with him! look forward to seeing him on more of your posts!! : ) :)
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone! He's settling in fine, only one tiny accident so far as he was scared of being upstairs. I don't think he's ever seen a flight of stairs before and looked so funny trying to go up and down them, bless. He's fine with them now though, like a pro! I've also given him a bath and he was fine with that, and have left him alone for an hour so far and he's coped without much whimpering. He's really funny and has been playing fetch with his squeaky cat in the garden, and does tricks for treats! He runs around like a madman, I can't let him off the lead in a park for about 3 months til he knows me properly and is also meant to be taking it easy as he has still got stitches in from being neutered, so he's been zooming around our little garden going crazy! He's soooo sweet! And I just discovered he LOVES beans and chickpeas! Good sign... :D