Thursday, October 20, 2011


I was just catching up reading through friends' recent posts, and I came across this entry over at Blueberries' blog about Jus-Rol's vegan home-bake croissants.

I love croissants. I think I could happily live off croissants and only croissants for the rest of my life - so finding out that you can make your own vegan croissants so easily has just totally blown my mind! And putting Spar's own vegan version of nutella inside would make them even more mind-blowing!

I am going to try this very soon and I'll post all about it here. This better not be a let-down. I am already salivating and dribbling all over my keyboard as I type. I am just SO excited.


  1. They're not a let down! They're REALLY good! They're not quite as flaky as a proper croissant & they're amazing with a chunk of chocolate melted inside or some Cheezly.

  2. Ohhh... cheezly and vegan bacon... just imagine! ARGH! OK I really MUST go get this before the weekend!! The suspense is killing me!!

  3. I know doing croissants is not easy at all but with this I could give them a try! Chocolate and marshmallows inside (L)

  4. I know, they are really difficult to get right usually, so this is just amazing. And apparently the rolls of pastry are only €1.79! Superquinn and some Tescos do it I think. You should have a look for them and report back how they turn out...

  5. Croissants with vegan Nutella!! OMG!!! Need to make that!

  6. Heya, I'm delirah that you read my blog and that it has inspired you! The croissants with chocolate spread are really good, it's almost dangerous knowing that you can have vegan chocolate croissants in 10 minutes for under a fiver! :P

  7. I was like "hmm" about the croissants but then you said vegan nutella...this has made my day. I know what my breakfast/lunch will be...all week :D Thanks!

  8. I just liked your fb page so I can get more essential vegan in Dublin om nom noms :)

  9. Vegan nutella, woah, we have a 24hr Spar here in Manchester too! That's good to know :)

  10. Thanks everyone, you should definitely all have a go! I went to Tesco last night and they don't stock it even though their website says they do, and they had EVERY other type of Jus-Rol pastry. I'm going to have to go to my local Superquinn to get it. I'm sure it's more widely available in the UK. Hope you guys find the vegan nutella ok, because someone was saying that Spars in the UK don't seem to stock it, which is puzzling, but then again it's not in every Spar in Ireland either... I will blog as soon as I make them! Hopefully on Sunday!

  11. OH MY GOD Spar do vegan Nutella??? *Runs to Spar*

  12. Oh no I just seen that you said the Spars in the UK don't stock it *CRIES*

  13. hi there Nicola! You shouldn't give up looking because I am SURE they must do it in the UK. I can't imagine they only produce their own brand especially for Ireland... they aren't in all Irish Spars either, so definitely have a look in a few! xxx
